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Someone say DeathRun? DarkRp? Bhop?

Search results

  1. Dachurchill

    Lopey Staff application

    Accepted - 8-14-2022, Sorry about the wait. been pulling alot of overtime at work.
  2. Dachurchill

    vTxFriendly Staff application

    Approved 8-14-2022
  3. Dachurchill

    Game breaking glitch (BHOP Server)

    Interesting. Issue was addressed and fixed.
  4. Dachurchill

    Spork Staff application

    Accepted - 5/20/2022
  5. Dachurchill

    Onion Staff application

    Sorry for the delay, Will be getting in contact with you via steam.
  6. Dachurchill

    DeathRUN Commands

    DeathRUN Commands I.A.G. Commands !cleanup Resets map when solo mode. !store Brings up basic package info. !r Respawn at spawn (May need !cleanup) !shop Brings up Pointshop2 shop. !help Brings this page Backuo !donate Brings up Donator Store. !spectate Puts player in or out of...
  7. Dachurchill

    Site Rebuild

    New year new build.